Бобриця Бобрица Bobritsa
Our advantages
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News from Bobritsa
New menu
New menu in KOMMUNA Kitchen restaurant from April 9, 2021, Bobritsa’s own KOMMUNA Kitchen restaurant, which overlooks Dobre Lake (77 Kozatska Str.), unveils a new menu.
Bobritsa Film Festival
International Bobritsa Film Festival is an annual event held in our village since 2018 under the aegis of the Ukrainian State Film Agency and other sponsors.
Best spots
Thanks to the carefully preserved nature — lakes, forests, plants and animals, as well as a variety of cultural and sports events, Bobritsa has grown into a popular tourist destination.
To live. To work. To create
Bobritsa Municipal Enterprise is responsible for keeping our village clean. In addition to garbage collection and street cleaning, Bobritsa Municipal Enterprise provides villagers with other services on a contractual basis — maintenance and aeration of lawns, tree material processing, etc. Every resident of Bobritsa village has to sign a contract with the enterprise for area cleaning services, and can also purchase special bags for sorting of household waste (plastic, glass, etc.).
How to get here
The village of Bobritsa is located in Bucha District south-east of Kiev, 20 km far from its ring road.
If you came to Bobritsa for more than a couple of hours and want to stay here for a while longer, you now have such an opportunity.
In Bobritsa itself and near our village there are several excellent places for breakfast, lunch or dinner.